Wireless 3-axis magnetic field sensor

The Wireless 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor W34 measures the strength and direction of magnetic fields within two ranges: -5 to 5 mT and -200 to 200 mT. It provides measurements of magnetic field strength along the X, Y, and Z axes.

The wireless magnetic field sensor is equipped with an OLED color display which shows sensor information and the measured values. This makes the sensor suitable to use as an independent measuring instrument. To improve visibility, you can rotate the sensor's screen 180 degrees by quickly pressing the power button twice.

The sensor can be used wirelessly via Bluetooth or wired via USB with the Coach 7 or Coach 7 lite programs/apps on computers (Windows and Mac), Chromebooks and mobile devices (Android and iOS).

Technical specifications:
  • Measuring ranges: -5 .. 5 mT or -200 .. 200 mT
  • Resolution: 0.001 mT / 0.1 mT
  • Warrantee: 24 months
  • OLED display: 0.96” 128 x 64px
  • Rod dimensions: 80 x 50 x 25 mm
  • Maximal sampling rate: 100 Hz
  • Battery life: 12h when full (rechargeable)
  • Connection: Bluetooth 5, Low Energy (Mac, Android, iOS) Bluetooth 2.1, Classic (Windows) or USB-C 2.0

All specifications of the sensor are described it its User guide.

Suggested experiments:
  • Measurements of the magnetic field near a permanent magnet.
  • Measurements of the magnetic field near a current-carrying wire.
  • Measurements of the magnetic field near or inside a coil or solenoid.
  • The variation of the field when alternating current flows through a coil.
Draadloze 3D magneetveldsensor
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